CEDARVILLE utilizes a two-stage approach of Design-Build to fully leverage our skills in construction.
Our goal is resiliency.
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) designs, plans, and self-performs heavy civil, public works, and horizontal construction. Our work is completed to the highest quality and safety standards.
CEG works with water, roadways, bridges, utilities, energy, and other necessary infrastructure that supports the core mission of any installation, facility, or community.
CEG meets the requirements for technical and functional results, while recognizing the need for conservation of our natural resources.
CEG employs engineers, surveyors, environmental compliance specialists, field superintendents, and technicians to support our construction team. Our professionals work together so our customers achieve their goals efficiently through a single point of responsibility.
CEG makes safety a priority on all job sites. Our construction managers are OSHA certified and impart common sense and required safety parameters for our employee and our clients’ benefit.
CEG's efforts have improved creeks and wetland areas by restoring eroded streams, waste contaminated streams, streams containing acid mine drainage, and overwhelmed wetlands. Each site has unique construction requirements to address the condition and end use of the site. CEG has installed boulder toe bank stabilization revetments, step pools, weirs, J-hooks, root wads, live soil lifts, engineered debris jams, and rip rap protection, and wildlife habitats for the purposes of mitigating stream bank erosion and improving wetland stabilization.
From initial scope through project restoration, CEG has the technical expertise and project experience to support all stages of site remediation, while meeting budget, quality, safety and schedule requirements.
CEG's projects involve the best practices for the management of stormwater. We have completed projects that capture stormwater from roadways and divert it through wetland areas to allow the water to percolate through the wetlands which minimizes the impact on nearby streams and municipal water treatment facilities.
• Horizontal Construction
• Sitework & Grading
• Stormwater Management
• Green Infrastructurn
• Roadways, Paving, Parking
• Parks & Trails
• Streambank Restoration
• Utility Installation
• Demolition & Disaster Cleanup
• Environmental Remediation
• Concrete Testing
• Aviation-Related Construction
• Directional Boring
• Abandoned Mine Reclamation
• Treatment Plant Construction
• Site Excavation and Remediation
• Contaminated Soil Management
• Sludge Stabilization
• Water Management Through Diverting and Dewatering
• Restoration of Land for Future Use
For more information about CEG's Construction Services, please call us at 610-705-4500 or email info@cedarvilleeng.com.