U.S. Navy Environmental Compliance Support

NSA Mechanicsburg

NSA-Mechanicsburg is an 806-acre naval supply deport home to over 150 warehouses containing nearly 8 million square feet of storage space and is headquarters of the Naval Supply Systems Command. The facility serves approximately 4,600 civilian, military and industry personnel.


CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is supporting environmental compliance activities at Naval Support Activity (NSA) facilities in Philadelphia and Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.  CEG conducts potable water sampling and stormwater sample analyses in accordance with an approved sampling plan. All testing is completed by a PADEP Accredited laboratory subcontracted by CEG.

For NSA-Mechanicsburg, CEG provides bi-weekly drinking water sampling, testing and analysis for total coliform; quarterly sampling, testing and analysis for haloacetic acids and total trihalomethanes (for disinfectant byproduct rule); testing and analyses for TCLP Metals, VOCs (full list), RCRA 8 Metals; Flash Point; and PCBs.

Also at NSA-Mechanicsburg, CEG provides stormwater sampling support including testing and analyses of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD); Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD); pH; Nitrites; Nitrate; Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen; Total Phosphorous; Oil and Grease (EPA 1664); Total Suspended Solids; Dissolved Iron; and TCLP.

For NSA-Philadelphia, the water sampling plan involves collection, testing and analysis of drinking water samples for Total Coliform at six (6) locations with alternating bi-weekly collection at half of sites during each sampling event.

In addition, CEG conducts quarterly collection, testing and analysis of drinking water for total trihalomethanes.

Results of all sampling are compiled in reports and provided to the Navy POC no later than 10-14 days of sampling.

Additional environmental support at both facilities is provided as requested to meet other compliance obligations related to water, waste, and stormwater regulatory compliance.


  • Environmental Compliance
  • Support

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Address: CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC 159 E. High Street, Suite 500 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-705-4500 Fax: 610-705-4900 info@cedarvilleeng.com

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CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG)
159 E. High Street, Suite 500, Pottstown, PA 19464
P:610-705-4500 F: 610-705-4900
A Federally Certified 8(a) / EDWOSB Company | DBE / WBE

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