Environmental Consulting Projects
Our environmental team supports compliance, asset management, and green stormwater infrastructure projects.
Pollutant Reduction Plan
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is providing support for Spring Township as a new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permittee for the 2018 permit term.

Stormwater Infrastructure Inventory and Assessment
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) assisted the City of Coatesville with a grant application from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development through the Early Intervention Program (EIP). The grant from the EIP provided funds for the City to develop an inventory of municipal infrastructure assets, focused specifically on Public Works. Infrastructure assets were located and condition assessed. The information was incorporated into an asset management program tracking the age and condition of these facilities.

GIS Story Map
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) developed a GIS web application called a Story Map for the purposes of educating the public about stormwater management in West Norriton Township. The Story Map incorporates highly customized content to the Township including photographs, narrative, and interactive maps. Video clips were also incorporated. The goal was to provide a simple, creative, and effective tool showcasing technology to communicate what stormwater is and how West Norriton manages it, while meeting National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements.

Culbertson Run Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) conducted a stormwater management study for a Township-owned roadway within the Culbertson Run Development of East Brandywine Township. The goal of the study was to provide the Township with several alternatives and associated costs to effectively improve the existing stormwater management along Hawthorne Drive, alleviating public concerns. The project was designed to minimize impact to private property, existing landscaping and mature street trees valued by the community.

Bradley Pond Improvements
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) was retained for the design and permitting for improvements to an approximately 4-acre pond located in North Coventry Township, Pennsylvania. The scope of the project included design engineering, plan preparation, PADEP Letter of Authorization (LOA) Application, and CCCD Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Control Plan Review Application, and construction inspection services.

115 Buchanan Street
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) surveyed, and is providing professional environmental and engineering services for a proposed senior housing project at 115 Buchanan Street in Phoenixville Borough, Chester County, Pennsylvania. The project includes the design and development support for an approximately 15,300 square feet 4-story building at the north-east corner of Buchanan and Morgan Street.

Auburn, New Kernsville, Tamaqua Dams
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) was awarded a contract with the Pennsylvania Department of General Services to perform maintenance activities at three (3) Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Schuylkill River dams: New Kernsville, Auburn, and Tamaqua. Maintenance buildings, facilities, equipment, and berthing areas used during Schuylkill River de-silting operations were situated on each of the dam properties. The facilities were built around 1950.

USDA – 600 East Mermaid Lane
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) CEG provided topographical and boundary survey services and environmental services on the project.

What can we do for you?
Address: CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC 159 E. High Street, Suite 500 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-705-4500 Fax: 610-705-4900 info@cedarvilleeng.com