Our professionals bring value through innovation to government contracting, municipal services, environmental services, asset management, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), surveying, and 3D modeling.
3D Model of Fenway Park, Boston
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) worked with Aerial Genomics to collect data to produce a 3D model of Fenway Park.
- sUAS flight
- 3D Model
- Photogrammetry
- Survey

Fort Drum MS4 & Pollution Prevention Program Support
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) supports Fort Drum to develop and maintain a Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activity and MS4 Permit Program. We provide comprehensive permit administration that includes: Infrastructure assessment, illicit discharge and pollution prevention, MS4 and MSGP inspections, water sampling, construction site assessments and public education and outreach development.
CEG developed a comprehensive stormwater management program plan, stormwater infrastructure maintenance plan and an illicit discharge detection and elimination procedure.
CEG’s experience and meticulous approach has kept Fort Drum in compliance with all aspects of its stormwater permits. Under CEG’s guidance, Fort Drum has found and eliminated violations under these permits and because of this, no stormwater violations have been issued to Fort Drum. CEG has also identified stormwater infrastructure in need of minor repairs, eliminating long term impacts to the infrastructure system and preventing long term costs associated with total replacement of these infrastructures.

Moody Air Force Base Industrial Stormwater Compliance
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is the Project Manager for Moody Air Force Base to develop and maintain policies and procedures regarding sampling for the General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activity. We provided comprehensive permit administration that includes: Infrastructure assessment, benchmark stormwater sampling and laboratory analysis for Oil & Grease, wet weather stormwater sampling and comprehensive site evaluations.
CEG’s experience and meticulous approach has kept Moody AFB in compliance with its industrial stormwater permit. Under CEG’s guidance, Moody AFB has found and eliminated violations under these permits and because of this, no stormwater violations have been issued to the base. CEG has also identified stormwater infrastructure in need of minor repairs, eliminating long term environmental impacts, and preventing long term costs associated with total replacement of these infrastructures.

Eastern State Penitentiary 3D Modeling
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) was tasked with creating a 3D Model to be used in the design a green stormwater infrastructure retrofit project for this 11+ acre historical penitentiary. Site design requires topographical features be surveyed with accuracy and precision. This site was more complex than usual due to the variety of surfaces constructed through history, and the unmapped network of underground infrastructure beneath the site.
Survey control was established with a robotic instrument and supplemented with conventional survey. CEG’s drone (sUAS) pilot flew NADIR and two oblique flights. Ground based capture was also completed using a handheld camera with a 10mm lens.
Using 3D Modeling, all data sets were combined to create one overall 3D model. With this model, CEG could extract information to create a “Site Characterization Plan” for the client.
The client now has a long-term view of the property that is being used to design stormwater management and the construction of a new visitor’s center to accommodate tourists. The model provides detailed accuracy of the site from both an aerial and surface level perspective. As the historical site undergoes renovation updates can easily be made to the model without the entire survey having to recreate the survey from scratch.

Towson University Asset Condition Evaluation
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) has supported Towson University by conducting multiple studies on Asset Management, Public Education and Outreach and Stormwater Permitting. Asset Management.
CEG conducted a stormwater infrastructure field verification of existing structures to provide the basis for the integration of a new GIS based stormwater mapping system. Each structure was documented, and GIS data and photographs provided. Evaluated the condition of each stormwater structure and developed a schedule for short-term and long-term maintenance and repairs. This effort provided a framework for the University’s stormwater asset management program, increasing efficiency by enhancing planning efforts and reducing costs.
CEG performed field verification of stormwater assets on the TU campus in the fall of 2016. A stormwater infrastructure map was created that listed all the University’s storm pipes, structures, outfalls, and BMPS. One outcome of that work revealed that certain stormwater conveyance structures (pipes and culverts) are in imminent need of repair.
CEG performed a desktop evaluation of the stormwater assets and assigned a conditional ranking to each structure based upon its need for repair and/or replacement. CEG prioritized assets in need of immediate action (0 to 6 months), those needing certain action (one to two years), and those where maintenance or future repairs should be budgeted (2 to 5 years). A written report of findings included cost estimates for the recommended repairs/replacement, and the priority assessment of the repair/replacement work.

Soil Evaluation for Green Infrastructure in New Orleans
New Orleans is located in a low-lying area just above, at, or below sea level. There is an extensive pump system that pumps stormwater collected from canals during storm events and seepage from the surrounding surface water bodies recharging the groundwater table to Lake Pontchartrain; inevitably this water makes its way back towards New Orleans, only to be pumped again. This constant pumping has led to subsidence.
Disconnecting and redirecting portions of stormwater flows from the canals and pumps in New Orleans would reduce the amount of water entering the pump system and may reduce the rate of subsidence in New Orleans. Based on the soil conditions encountered and the stormwater flows that are present within each sub-watershed, there would be a variety of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) for managing stormwater.
Managing stormwater requires a decentralized approach. While there may be consistent site conditions within a neighborhood and one type of BMP may be appropriate, in general the site conditions determine the BMP type. Depending on the site conditions, a stormwater BMP may provide recharge (e.g. infiltration bed), attenuation and storage (e.g. traditional detention basin), or filtration (created wetland). Each BMP would require a specific type of operation and maintenance to ensure the long-term performance of the particular facility.

NPDES MS4 Program Management
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) manages and facilitates the Stormwater Management Program for municipalities for compliance with their Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) NPDES MS4 permit.
Examples of specific results include:
- In Westtown Township, we reviewed the existing mapping, identified proposed BMPs which would meet the requirements of the TMDL, and provided cost estimates for the construction of each BMP.
- In West Norriton Township, we developed a comprehensive Township-wide GIS inventory of stormwater infrastructure and maintains this database in-house.
- In East Brandywine Township, Best Management Practices (BMPs) were proposed and calculated to maximize pollutant load reductions and minimize cost to the Township.
CEG also provides design and feasibility studies for the implementation of the TMDL and Pollutant Reduction Plans.

Philadelphia Water Department Construction Inspections
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) serves as a sub-consultant for an ongoing contract to the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) for construction inspections of private stormwater systems in the South and Northwest sections of Philadelphia. Two (2) construction inspectors are provided at the PWD Philadelphia office in support of a prime contract with Rodriguez Consulting. These inspectors report directly to PWD managers. Responsibilities include: coordination of meetings with developers and contractors, site inspections, documentation of observations, and the updating of a project tracking database.

Ryerson Station State Park Surveying & 3D Modeling
After some damage to the dam, the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) has decided to restore the floodplains of this state park and create new buildings and pedestrian paths. There will be roads and stream restoration.
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is in the process of capturing and surveying approximately 200 acres that surround existing stream channels and associated valley bottoms within the 1,164-acre park property. Preparation of a topographic base plan with 1’ contour intervals for the site is required.
CEG will perform a Control & Check Points Survey throughout the site. The Control Points will establish elevation references and be used for compiling a model from data collected from the aerial flight and the supplemental survey of the valleys and main creek. The site will be tied to the State Plane Coordinate System and NAVD 88. The Check Points will be for validating the final survey data. CEG will collect topographic data via 2 Methods: LiDAR+UltraCAM Survey and Conventional Survey.
The end deliverable is a 2D Topographic Base Plan presenting the site with 1’ contour intervals delivered in PDF Format. A 3D Model will be produced which will be provided in a 3MX Format.

Municipal Road Programs
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) works directly with municipalities to plan and manage Township Road Programs. Each Township owned road is inspected by an experienced Engineer and
Construction Manager, and inventoried for the following characteristics:
- Road name, length, and surface (gravel or paved)
- Cartway width
- Observations of severe or unusual erosion relating to drainage along or under the roadway.
- A subjective condition score, based upon visual appearance of surface and smoothness of ride. Scores ranged from 1 to 10, with 10 being a road in near perfect condition.
- Approximate locations where road surface or condition changed.
The information documented is captured in a GIS database that assists the Engineer to geographically determine the best and most efficient plan of action for the Capital program. The Road Programs include preparation of bid documents, administration of the bid process, and contract management and inspection services for roadway and paving improvements along various road segments within the Township.
The scope of work includes preparing bid and contract documents for milling and overlaying existing road surfaces, correcting grading and drainage problems, and installing new concrete curbing and ADA compliant ramps. CEG professionals develop contract documents and specifications for bidding the project, solicitation of bids, contract management, and construction inspection services once the project has been awarded.

Pollutant Reduction Plan
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is providing support for Spring Township as a new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permittee for the 2018 permit term.

Stormwater Infrastructure Inventory and Assessment
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) assisted the City of Coatesville with a grant application from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development through the Early Intervention Program (EIP). The grant from the EIP provided funds for the City to develop an inventory of municipal infrastructure assets, focused specifically on Public Works. Infrastructure assets were located and condition assessed. The information was incorporated into an asset management program tracking the age and condition of these facilities.

GIS Story Map
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) developed a GIS web application called a Story Map for the purposes of educating the public about stormwater management in West Norriton Township. The Story Map incorporates highly customized content to the Township including photographs, narrative, and interactive maps. Video clips were also incorporated. The goal was to provide a simple, creative, and effective tool showcasing technology to communicate what stormwater is and how West Norriton manages it, while meeting National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements.

Culbertson Run Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) conducted a stormwater management study for a Township-owned roadway within the Culbertson Run Development of East Brandywine Township. The goal of the study was to provide the Township with several alternatives and associated costs to effectively improve the existing stormwater management along Hawthorne Drive, alleviating public concerns. The project was designed to minimize impact to private property, existing landscaping and mature street trees valued by the community.

Bradley Pond Improvements
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) was retained for the design and permitting for improvements to an approximately 4-acre pond located in North Coventry Township, Pennsylvania. The scope of the project included design engineering, plan preparation, PADEP Letter of Authorization (LOA) Application, and CCCD Erosion and Sediment (E&S) Control Plan Review Application, and construction inspection services.

115 Buchanan Street
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) surveyed, and is providing professional environmental and engineering services for a proposed senior housing project at 115 Buchanan Street in Phoenixville Borough, Chester County, Pennsylvania. The project includes the design and development support for an approximately 15,300 square feet 4-story building at the north-east corner of Buchanan and Morgan Street.

Auburn, New Kernsville, Tamaqua Dams
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) was awarded a contract with the Pennsylvania Department of General Services to perform maintenance activities at three (3) Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Schuylkill River dams: New Kernsville, Auburn, and Tamaqua. Maintenance buildings, facilities, equipment, and berthing areas used during Schuylkill River de-silting operations were situated on each of the dam properties. The facilities were built around 1950.

USDA – 600 East Mermaid Lane
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) CEG provided topographical and boundary survey services and environmental services on the project.

Wastewater Treatment Plant GIS Mapping and Asset Inventory
To support West Vincent Township’s effort to evaluate existing municipally-owned utility assets, CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) created a GIS database of the collection, conveyance, treatment, and disposal infrastructure for West Vincent Township’s existing wastewater treatment and public potable water facilities. CEG reviewed all available plans, permits, shop drawings, and repair/replacement documents provided by the Township to create an inventory of major assets within each facility.

Birch Street Sanitary Sewer Extension
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is the Appointed Engineer for the Borough of South Coatesville, Chester County, PA. CEDARVILLE worked directly with the Borough to secure a $700,000.00 government grant for the improved streetscape and infrastructure improvements. This project consists of the extension of the existing sanitary and stormwater sewer systems along Birch Street, enabling more residents and businesses within the community to have access to the service.

East Brandywine Township Road Program
Several roads in East Brandywine Township have fallen victim to deterioration from brutal Pennsylvania winters and need partial rehabilitation and reconstruction. The main areas of concern are portions of Hawthorn Drive, Hopewell Road, Zynn Road, and East Fisherville Rd. CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provided East Brandywine Township with Constructability Reviews and Bid Administration for this project.

Route 30 & 82 Intersection Planning and Design
The City of Coatesville was awarded a Department of Community Development (DCD) Grant for $700,000 to improve the signalized intersection of Lincoln Highway (SR0082/SR3070) and First Avenue (SR0082/3049), which intersects Lincoln Highway (SR0082/SR3070) at a 60-degree angle. CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) was the City Engineer responsible for securing the grant funding, design, and coordination of the intersection. The objective of this intersection improvement project is to enhance the street network of the City of Coatesville at the geographically centralized intersection on a critical travel path in Chester County. The City has several goals for this project including pedestrian circulation enhancement, economic stimulus, improved vehicular circulation and promote safety.
Alexander Drive Basin Retrofit
The Alexander Drive Basin is a township-owned basin, located just south of the Alexander Drive and Burnside Avenue intersection in West Norriton Township. The basin is part of the township’s Pollution Reduction Plan (PRP) and the project’s goal was to retrofit the basin in order to meet the minimum credit reduction stated in the PRP.

Bowmansville Maintenance Facility
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provided survey, environmental consulting services, permitting, and developed site/civil design and documents for the demolition and reconstruction of the Bowmansville Maintenance Facility as outlined in the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) Scope of Work for Final Design Bowmansville Maintenance Reconstruction SAP Contract No. 4400008942.
Embreeville Wetland Mitigation Project
Berner Construction, Inc. was contracted by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service to construct a 14-acre wetlands area along the Brandywine Creek on land donated to Chester County Water Resources by the Natural Lands Trust. The wetlands mitigation project was a means to restore 14 acres of land intended to be reclaimed as wetlands during the construction of the 90-acre Chambers Lake in Hibernia Park, Chester County. The wetlands mitigation will create the first phase of an eventual water trailhead on the popular section of the West Branch of the Brandywine Creek.

Coatesville Dam #1 Inspection
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) has been retained by the Coatesville Redevelopment Authority to perform annual PADEP required inspections of the West Branch Brandywine Creek Dam, the contract initiated in 2017.

Eastern State Penitentiary
Eastern State Penitentiary’s renovations to the historic site located on Fairmount Avenue near Center City Philadelphia are just one step along a journey to complete the visionary 10-year Master Plan. This project laid the foundation for a new all-inclusive Visitor’s Center. The project revitalizes the site and makes it more accessible to Philadelphia’s citizens and all the visitors they receive from around the world.

Colonial Drive Park Improvements
Lower Frederick Township hosts regular community events, including concerts and community yard sales. These events are very well attended. Places once used for excess parking have changed hands or developed. Where to park for these events?

Jefferson Square Improvements
Jefferson Square is a historic public park bounded by Washington Ave and 4th Street in the Pennsport section of the City of Philadelphia. The site is located within a Recreational Zoning District, and is described as Public Park providing passive recreational opportunities. This project included the design and permitting of the green stormwater infrastructure improvements at Jefferson Square.

Gambrel Recreation Center
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provided the design and permitting of this urban park restoration, located at 1900 Wakeling Street in the Frankford section of Philadelphia. Our team worked with the City of Philadelphia and neighborhood groups to develop a new and expanded use area. Presently, this Recreation Center has one of the only synthetic turf fields in the City. In conjunction with the field, a park area with sculptures, ornamental trellis structures, new adventure play equipment, and an integrated spray park was designed and constructed.

River Walk Brandywine Creek Trail
A contaminated site that was transformed into a recreational retreat offered community residents a place to cool off during the hot summer heat. The park extends access to the East Branch Brandywine Trail System which continues north and south through Chester County. Our design experts provided grant funding fulfillment, engineering design, contract and construction administration, inspection and quality control.

Exton Park
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC. (CEG), was the civil engineer responsible for providing design services for all phases of the Exton Park Project in West Whiteland Township in Chester County. CEG performed periodic inspections in addition to review and oversight of the materials and methods for the construction of the park.

Master Plan for East Vincent Township Park
Eighty acres of rolling country side and woodlands was gifted by the Federal government to East Vincent Township to create a space that provides residents with educational and recreational opportunities. The site, formally known as Pennhurst State School and Hospital, consists of seventeen acres of reusable infrastructure. The Master Plan includes the addition of two miles of walking trails, stormwater facilities, and recreational areas. The park is being built in ten phases to create the opportunity to budget for construction over time.

Falls Run Stream Restoration
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provided professional engineering services for a stream and riparian buffer restoration of a 225-foot segment of Falls Run and replacement of 262 linear foot of 10” vitrified clay sanitary sewer pipe.
Falls Run flows into Darby Creek and is the central feature of Reservoir Park – a 0.624-acre Borough recreation facility located southeast of the intersection of Ardmore and West Greenwood Avenues. Falls Run enters Reservoir Park through an existing 52” by 36” elliptical concrete culvert that conveys the stream under West Greenwood Avenue. It then flows approximately 225 feet to an existing 60” concrete culvert where the stream flows underground until it daylights at Marlyn Park and eventually discharges to Darby Creek.

Dotterer Road Trail
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) prepared construction ready design plans and conducted a Photogrammetric and Supplemental surveys for a recreational trail project in New Hanover Township. The trail, 8 feet wide, 1,610 feet in total length, paved with asphalt will be an extension of an existing trail, located at the intersection of Dotterer Road and Chalet Drive. The trail was designed and constructed outside of the public right-of-way.

Philadelphia Water Department Torresdale Pumping Station
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provided support to prepare, coordinate and submit a PennVEST application to assist the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) in obtaining a $73,350,000 low interest loan for the Torresdale Pumping Station.
CEG assisted PWD with each step of the PennVEST application including the initial pre-application meeting, filling out the application, and preparing a checklist of items to be completed by PWD, the design consultant and CEG. We also assisted with obtaining approvals for PADEP permits, as well as approvals from other agencies.

Technical Tank Assessment Review
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provided review of structural tank calculations for the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. To date, CEG has performed review 5 tank certification reports for adequacy and completeness. CEG has performed the review of documents provided by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)

IDIQ Above Ground Storage Tank Services
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provides above ground storage tank inspection services for NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic at the Philadelphia Naval Business Center in Philadelphia, PA, Naval Support Activity Philadelphia in Philadelphia, PA, and Naval Support Activity – Mechanicsburg in Mechanicsburg, PA.
Environmental Compliance Support at Dobbins Arb
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, (CEG) provides support to MSE Group, LLC (MSE) to provide comprehensive environmental engineering analysis and compliance technical support for the Air Force Reserve C Command (AFRC) at Dobbins Air Reserve Base (ARB) located in Marietta, GA. The Task Order includes executing proper compliance procedures for aboveground storage tank (AST), underground storage tank (UST), and oil/water separator (OWS) assessment and closure.
U.S. Navy Environmental Compliance Support
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is supporting environmental compliance activities at Naval Support Activity (NSA) facilities in Philadelphia and Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. CEG conducts potable water sampling and stormwater sample analyses in accordance with an approved sampling plan. All testing is completed by a PADEP Accredited laboratory subcontracted by CEG.

Repair Oil Water Interceptor, Apron Paving, and Grading
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC. (CEG) was contracted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for a design-build project to replace a manual oil water interceptor located at the 99th Regional Support Command, Area Maintenance Support Activity #120 maintenance facility in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. Work also included installation of concrete apron with new grading and integral trench drain to divert stormwater from vehicle maintenance bay drains, regrading of the MEP lot adjacent to new concrete apron at the rear of AMSA to eliminate standing stormwater, and site surveying activities.
Painters Crossing
A Photogrammetric Survey was taken by an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) to capture photographs to provide an existing conditions model for our client. The model illustrated manholes, building outlines, curbs, and roadways that helped identify current infrastructure conditions. Contours were also shown on the model for a better understanding of the terrain.

The Reading Railroad Pottstown Station
Ground based capture methods utilizing a camera was used to generate this 3D model. This model provided a snapshot in time. The data collected can be used as a baseline drawing to perform any necessary restoration work in the future.

2nd & Erie Stormwater Retrofit Design-Build
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) was the design-build contractor for the Private Stormwater Retrofit of an approximate 11 acre site with an approximate 17+ acre drainage area in the Franklinville section of Philadelphia, PA. The intent of the stormwater management system was to reduce and/or regulate the stormwater runoff through a slow release detention system and manage the first 1.5” of rainfall at a maximum release rate of 0.05 cfs/IA acre.

Repair Oil Water Interceptor, Apron Paving and Grading
CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC. (CEG) was contracted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for a design-build project to replace a manual oil water interceptor located at the 99th Regional Support Command, Area Maintenance Support Activity #120 maintenance facility in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. Work also included installation of concrete apron with new grading and integral trench drain to divert stormwater from vehicle maintenance bay drains, regrading of the MEP lot adjacent to new concrete apron at the rear of AMSA to eliminate standing stormwater, and site surveying activities.
What can we do for you?
Address: CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC 159 E. High Street, Suite 500 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-705-4500 Fax: 610-705-4900