Jerry Jameson, Professional Grant & Proposal Writer Joins CEDARVILLE Engineering

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is proud to welcome Jerry Jameson, as a professional grant and proposal writer and administrator for our growing Pottstown office. He comes to CEG with over seventeen (17) years of experience in providing fund development services for government, non-profit, and corporate entities. These services include grant proposal writing, grant administration and reporting, and funding research. He provides proposal support including coordinating and developing responses to RFPs & RFQs for company services, and opportunity tracking.

Jerry has secured and administered funding for projects including brownfields reclamation, economic development, wellhead protection, historical preservation, housing development, social service provision, recreation facilities, transportation improvements, public safety equipment and infrastructure improvements.

Contact Jerry at or 610-705-4500.

What can we do for you?

Address: CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC 159 E. High Street, Suite 500 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-705-4500 Fax: 610-705-4900

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CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG)
159 E. High Street, Suite 500, Pottstown, PA 19464
P:610-705-4500 F: 610-705-4900
A Federally Certified 8(a) / EDWOSB Company | DBE / WBE

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