CEG Named 2022 Eastern PA Woman-Owned Business of the Year
SBA’s Eastern Pennsylvania Small Business Awards winners are selected from among nominees located across Pennsylvania’s eastern 40 counties. The local recognition is part of the annual Presidentially-designated National Small Business Week, Building a Better America Through Entrepreneurship, taking place May 1-7, 2022.
CEG was named Woman-Owned Small Business of the Year in the Eastern Pennsylvania District for 2022.

CEG will be exhibiting and presenting at the Convention Sports and Entertainment Facilities Conference in Tampa, Florida, June 14 and 15.
Discover how alternative project delivery is transforming entertainment and tourism infrastructure around the country. This year’s agenda has been designed to help large venues plan and procure project partners and CEG is prepared to showcase our broad array of services.

Experts Understanding the Evolving Nature of Infrastructure
2022 is a milestone year for Cedarville Engineering Group and to signify that, and our professional commitment to existing and new partnerships, we’re revising our name, streamlining our identity and working harder to communicate who we are to our partners.

2022 Joint Engineer Training Conference and Expo
Cedarville Engineering Group will be exhibiting at the 2022 Joint Engineer Training Conference and Expo in Aurora, Colorado at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, next week, May 10-12. We’re looking forward to reconnecting with many of our former Military and Federal Government partners and to meeting new ones as well!
We’ll be presenting at GeoWERX II– a geospatial engineering presentation– all three days and we’ll be unveiling a surprise at Booth 22 so please visit to learn about CEG’s deep engineering, environmental and construction capabilities. Come for the demonstration, stay for the announcement!
On the last day of the conference, Cedarville Engineering Group's CEO will be speaking on “Leveraging 3D Models for Coastal Resilience” citing CEG’s work with the U.S. Naval Academy’s pilot study. Don’t miss April Barkasi’s talk on May 12 from 1:30-2:30pm.

7 EPA Regulations That Are Making a Difference
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has one mission: “to protect human health and the environment.” This very broad mission demands federal regulation to be successful. Therefore, the EPA works to implement regulations that will lower health risks in our current environmental state. Here are 7 of the most notable regulations stamped and enforced by the EPA.

10 Ways to Live More Environmentally Friendly (And Save Some Money)
Sometimes, without even realizing it, our actions harm the local wildlife and forestry that surrounds us. Even the smallest changes to your lifestyle can benefit the environment over time. Here’s 10 small ways to reduce a negative environmental impact with everyday actions.

Stormwater vs. Wastewater: What’s the Difference?
Water is our most useful resource. We drink, bathe, swim, travel, and industrialize with the help of water. However, different types of water are determined by its source. Water has a variety of uses, but not if it is polluted. Therefore, several systems have been implemented to create a sustainable environment for all water resources across the United States.

6 Benefits of Reverse Engineering
Engineering is a very versatile industry that is always getting creative. Using creativity and innovation, engineers create never-before-seen products that benefit their communities. They play a key role in expanding local economy and sparking business exchanges. However, one question remains: how do engineers innovate in such a fast-paced environment?
The answer is the reverse, literally. Reverse engineering plays a huge role in sparking innovative and productive minds that produce necessities across every industry. The reverse engineering process includes taking apart worn down products to examine how individual parts work, and then incorporating past inventions into new ones. There are plenty of benefits to the reverse engineering process that will only expand our knowledge and capabilities.

Are you cut out to be a Construction Manager?
Every construction site has multiple experts and levels of supervision. These experts could be hourly workers, supervisors, engineers, project managers, and even agency authorities. However, the key to a smooth functioning construction site is the leadership of a construction manager. Construction managers are responsible for a smooth, progressive project from pre-design to closing. They have a very important role in on-site safety and building code compliance.

Local Zoning 101
The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code Act of 1968 (MPC) is the law that allows municipalities (cities, boroughs, townships, and towns) in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to have police powers. This is the law in PA that allows municipalities to govern themselves, essentially allowing what we think of today as ‘small government’.
The MPC says that if a municipality wants to regulate the use and size standards of a property in their municipality, then they must have a joint or stand-alone Comprehensive Plan in place and a Zoning Ordinance must adhere to it. The MPC also states that if a municipality has a Zoning Ordinance, they must provide a Zoning Officer to enforce and interpret the Zoning Ordinance.

7 Items on a Civil Engineer’s Design Review Checklist
Civil engineers design projects that are most efficient and capable in a real world setting. While they try their best to perfect each design, some mistakes may arise in their design plans. Therefore, projects have design review checklists to ensure thorough review of all project documentation. These checklists cover all aspects of a typical civil engineer project. Here are seven of the common items on a civil engineer’s design review checklist.

How Football and Materials Engineering are Connected
With football season here, all eyes are glued to two very notable Pennsylvania teams: the Philadelphia Eagles (#FlyEaglesFly) and the Pittsburgh Steelers. The branding of both of these teams are unique in their own ways. The Eagles got their name from the eagle symbol on the National Recovery Act, an act to stimulate economic recovery after the Great Depression. However, the Steelers name has a little history behind it.
It all began in 1853 with one of the most influential people in the steel industry, Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie started his career as the assistant to the superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad. From there, he worked his way up to founding the Carnegie Steel Corporation, located in the Pittsburgh area. Steel became the threshold of the Pittsburgh area’s economy by stimulating job opportunities and material production.

Flash Flooding Costs Taxpayers over $5 Billion Each Year
Flooding occurs from several different types of storms: thunderstorms, hurricanes, nor’easters, typhoons, tsunamis, and many more. These natural disasters occur across the world and create unpredictable flood patterns. Flash flooding is extremely dangerous for local communities near bodies of water.

Is the Spotted Lanternfly Harming Your Property?
Going to a Pennsylvanian wooded area around this time of year is devastating. It’s both muggy and buggy. Over 585 various insect species roam Pennsylvania. These bugs range from common house flies to ladybugs to mosquitoes. Some are harmless, while others are harming the local environment that we live in. A prime example of a destructive Pennsylvanian species is the Spotted Lanternfly.
The Spotted Lanternfly isn’t from around here. It’s considered an invasive species, one that is not native to a particular ecosystem and causes harm to the environment it settles in. Originally from Southeast Asia, the lanternfly has traveled all the way to Pennsylvania by attaching to travelers and sightseers. The lanternfly’s unexpected settlement in southeastern Pennsylvania is harming both the environment and economy.

PennDOT is Taking Big Steps with Route 422 Construction
Route 422 connects southeastern Pennsylvania all the way from Hummelstown to King of Prussia, a span of 81 miles. Route 422 also has several notable junctions that creates productive transportation flow throughout the day. This highway is key for workers, travelers, students, and authorities to reach destinations in a timely manner.
Route 422 is known for its ongoing construction funded by both the federal and state government. According to PennDOT, the rehabilitation project includes a $73.3 million dollar general contract. These funds are fixing bridges and other structures along Route 422.

5 Ways Pipeline Companies are Reducing Environmental Impacts
We use resources like water, natural gas, and petroleum every single day. These resources are readily available at our fingertips whenever we need them. How are they transported from their natural source to us so quickly and efficiently? Installed pipelines, either underground or above ground, transport natural resources at an effective rate to provide assets that we might not otherwise have access to. These structures keep up with the reality of a fast paced environment.

Why Biodiversity is Important for Life on Earth
We live in what is called the biosphere of Earth. The other three portions of Earth’s ecosystem include the lithosphere (rock), hydrosphere (water), and atmosphere (air). The biosphere, however, is home to all living organisms on Earth. The biosphere’s chemical makeup is constantly changing to keep up with the needs of biotic organisms. Without the biosphere’s environment, life on Earth would be non-existent due to the lack of biodiversity.

What Would Life Be Like Without Building Code Officials?
Safety is the goal of every project no matter the workload. Engineers strive to provide high quality results in a reasonable amount of time. To ensure safety for all buildings, a uniform construction code has been implemented into an engineer’s design process. Every project requires approval from a qualified building code official that understands construction code standards. Without these officials, construction projects could be unsafe for the general public.

Wrecking: Concrete Is Made to Last For Up to 50 Years
Concrete is a long-lasting structure containing compacted rocks and minerals. The contents of each concrete mixture vary, but most typically follow the same basic formula for creation:
- Cement
- Cementing materials
- Aggregates
- Chemical admixtures

10 Facts About Canals
Transportation has always been a key working of industry. Without a way to get products from one place to another, companies would be out of business. Therefore, many effective transportation routes, both on land and water, have been created. A unique method of transportation is a canal waterway.

Biomedical Engineers Are the Reason for the Medical Device Revolution
Durable medical equipment is demanded by the medical industry. With today’s technologies, the field is expanding into something outstanding. The first true medical device created was a stethoscope in 1816. Two hundred years later, every medical procedure has become more safe, hygienic, and successful. Improved medical equipment is being produced more than ever, all thanks to biomedical engineers.
Biomedical engineers utilize the design process to create cutting-edge innovations involving medical practices. Equipment can range from simple tools to surgical technologies. The work of biomedical engineers can be found anywhere from a household to a hospital. Biomedical engineers tackle real-world medical problems every single day. Without their hard work and dedication, the medical industry would not be as efficient and capable as it is today.

Drones Are Flying into the Surveying Industry
Look up at the sky. You usually see clouds, buildings, airplanes, and hot air balloons. Not too often however do you spot a small flying object a few hundred feet above the ground. This strange device is a drone, and it’s changing the dynamic of flying technology.
Drones go by many different names: UAV, sUAS, or RPAS, but what are they? Essentially, a drone is any unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can navigate with a controller from the ground. Drones have several attachments and developments that can be utilized in prospective industries. The most compelling drone use is aerial photogrammetry in the surveying industry.

Land Surveyors Benefit from GPS Services
Smartphones give us everything at our fingertips. The internet provides valuable information and entertaining content. The camera captures memories that last a lifetime. Most importantly, the maps keep us from getting lost. Every map application uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to enhance road safety and efficient travel routes.
GPS is used everywhere. Whether it be for navigation or research, GPS is available to track proximity and locality. GPS is a system of 31 operational satellites owned and operated by the United States Department of Defense (DOD). At about 12,000 miles above Earth, each satellite completes two orbits per day to ensure accurate results for all users. Any device with GPS compatibility can use this system. Four different satellites connect to a device to ensure accurate results. These four satellites communicate and determine a location that is normally accurate within 16 feet.

Surveying 101: A Look at the Science of Spatial Data
Have you ever heard of a “bird’s eye” view? That’s what can be used to describe land surveying. Land surveying is the practice of utilizing professional equipment and mathematical calculations to replicate the terrain of any land surface. Surveying produces images that record the topography of a designated area. Surveying plays a key role in the planning and development of most construction projects.

The Mystery Behind the Leaning Tower of Pisa’s Tilt
Italy has always been notable for its stunning ancient architecture. From the Milan Cathedral to the Colosseum, each sculpture has been crafted with precision and delicacy. While all are magnificent, a few structures have been miscalculated. The most famous one is the Leaning Tower of Pisa, located in the Square of Miracles.
When engineer Bonnano Pisano first designed the Tower in 1174, there was no intention of the tilt. Instead, the Tower was built to house bells, a prominent feature within Catholic churches. One of the most famous events from the Leaning Tower was Galileo’s freefall experiment. Galileo dropped two spheres with different weights to see which would fall to the ground faster. Surprisingly, both spheres hit the ground at the same exact time. This is due to the constant acceleration of gravity at 9.8 m/s2. Galileo’s experiment was the foundation of kinematics in the physics world.

How the Everglades are Stimulating Environmental Protection
Wildlife surrounds us in all walks of life. Whether it be a trip to a local park or a hike in the mountains, nature is everywhere. However, some of nature may be lost in the near future without environmental protection. Therefore, the United States has implemented a National Park system to safeguard threatened and endangered species in a natural habitat. One of the larger national parks in the United States is Everglades National Park.
Everglades National Park is located just west of Miami, Florida at the tip of the peninsula. The park stretches over 1,508,537 acres of untouched land. The Everglades has a variety of optimal environments for different species within the park. The geographic features of the coastal park has provided diversity within both animal and plant species.

Thermal Imaging is More Than Meets the Eye
We see every day. Our two eyes are the source of our thoughts and ideas. However, only 0.0035% of light is visible to the human eye. So how do we know about the other 99.965% of light out there? A big contributor to detecting light outside of the human spectrum is thermal imaging.
As stated before, our eyes can only process certain wavelengths and frequencies. Visible light for us ranges between a wavelength of 400 and 700 nanometers (nm). Therefore, we only see light from violet to red. Thermal imaging can detect waves from 700 to 1000 nm. These cameras double our vision of wavelength on the light spectrum.

Wind Energy: A Transforming Utility Across the Globe
Have you ever driven to another state? If so, you’ve probably seen plenty of wind turbines along the way. Wind turbines are the main structure used to create wind power in the United States. Wind power is a developing natural and efficient system to produce electricity. Wind power is crucial to the future of industry because it is a form of renewable energy.
Renewable energy sources are ones that can be naturally replaced over time. Other types of renewable energy include:
- Solar
- Biomass
- Geothermal
- Wave
- Hydropower

How Your Daily Commute Is Harming the Environment
Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in Earth’s atmosphere. These gases regulate the Earth’s surface at a higher temperature than normal. The main greenhouse gases include:
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Methane (CH4)
- Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
- Chlorofluorocarbon-12 (CCI2F2)
- Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF3)
- Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)
- Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3)

A True Milestone: Pennsylvania’s 550,000th Acre of Farmland
Pennsylvania is the 32nd largest state with 29.5 million acres of land. Because Pennsylvania is the home to CEG, we care deeply about its environmental protection. On June 7th, Russel Redding, the Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture, made a huge announcement. Pennsylvania has successfully safeguarded the 550,000th acre of farmland. This is a huge milestone for the both keystone state’s environment and economy.
Since its founding in 1681, Pennsylvania has played a huge role in the agriculture industry. Pennsylvania has many areas of enriched soil which is crucial to agricultural success. The biggest Pennsylvanian cash crop today is mushrooms with 425 million pounds produced per year. Pennsylvania is also the third in concord grape production and fourth in corn production. Moreover, Pennsylvania nationally contributes to livestock production, including cow’s milk for ice cream and frozen desserts (yummy).

3D Printing: The Future of Construction
What are kids learning in school nowadays? With new software and technology, anything is possible. Therefore, teachers are beginning to integrate complex ideas into their curriculum's to prepare their students for the real world. One of the newest trending technologies in a school setting is 3D printing.
The 3D printing process was first invented by Chuck Hull back in 1983. His patent stated that this process is, “a method and apparatus for making solid objects by successively ‘printing’ thin layers of the ultraviolet curable material one on top of the other.” Since Hull’s creation 30 years ago, 3D printing has served as a reliable source for prototyping and designing.

Chester County Envirothon
The Chester County Envirothon is an annual environmental educational program sponsored by the Chester County Conservation District and the Chester County Facilities and Parks, hosted at Hibernia County Park. Each year students from public, private, parochial, and home schools, grades 3-12, celebrate months of research, exploration, and preparation with an outdoor competition and measure of learning of environmental concepts. The students compete in categories such as wildlife, forestry, aquatics, outdoor safety, soils, and a current issue.

Earth Day 2018
Earth Day is April 22nd, and the Earth Day Network has chosen plastic pollution as its campaign for this year. In choosing this platform, they said,
“Many people still do not know and understand the impact that plastic pollution has on their everyday lives,
nor do they know how easy it is to have a massive impact on this problem by only changing a few minor behavior choices.”

Pennsylvania Stormwater
Pennsylvania is home to many firsts in our nation: hospital, zoo, oil well, turnpike, and our personal favorite – pretzel factory! There is a long and storied history of Pennsylvania industries such as coal and steel which were vital in transforming the US into industrial power that you see today.
Unfortunately, when you’re first at something, it usually means that you’ve been around for a long time! When a person gets older, their joints may ache; for an industrial or institutional facility, their infrastructure starts to break down or is found to be undersized from expansion.

Story Maps: Everyone Has a Story to Tell
CEDARVILLE had a story to tell: Stormwater Management for a local Township.
How would we talk with the residents about a topic as dull as stormwater? Could we create something that changes people’s behavior about pollution related to stormwater?
Our team helps boroughs, cities, townships, colleges, and our military manage and report on stormwater. These stormwater management programs are required by federal law and state regulations. An important part of this program requires educational materials to promote awareness to the residents.

World Water Day March 22, 2018
Join CEDARVILLE in spreading the information about the United Nations World Water Day.
Look at this fact sheet about the world's precious water resources:
You can find resources and additional information here:
CEDARVILLE is committed to working with local, state, and federal governments to maintain compliance with guidelines and regulations of the world's water sources. Call us at 610-705-4500.

Route 422 Business Advisor February Issue
Click here to read he full article.
Happy National Engineer’s Week!
Happy National Engineer’s Week!
Started in 1951 by National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), National Engineer’s Week “is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers.” The week is always around President Washington’s birthday, as many consider him the “nation's first engineer”. (

Stormwater Sampling and the Mysterious Magnesium
Stormwater Sampling and the Mysterious Magnesium
By Chris Whitman
Here on Fort Drum, the end of the year means state stormwater paperwork. Annual discharge reports and discharge monitoring reports are completed; outlining what went well and what outfalls had exceedances for the year. Outfall 5, which is located near the hazardous waste building has historically tested extremely high for magnesium. In years past it was thought this was caused by the dumping of salt near the sampling location, as it was located near a snowplow turn around. To address this issue, snowplows were steered away from this sample location in hopes of correcting the magnesium exceedance.

Meet The Team Monday December 18, 2017
Kyle joined CEDARVILLE earlier this year and is one of our Project Engineers. He supports current municipal and private client projects.
Kyle’s first project out of school was the FMC Tower in Philadelphia PA. He says, “It was an awesome experience to have my first project involve a 47-story building and to be able to see and work on the project throughout its construction.”

Meet The Team Monday December 11, 2017
Carol has over 30 years of professional engineering experience, with the last 22 years in municipal engineering. Her expertise includes municipal ordinances, stormwater management, capital improvement projects and construction contract development. She is proficient in the review of Land Development and Subdivision submissions relative to zoning, subdivision, municipal ordinances, and other state and federal regulations.

Meet The Team Monday December 4, 2017
Kyle joined CEDARVILLE earlier this year as a Civil Designer. He has more than twelve (12) years of experience in AutoCAD Civil 3D software and GPS technology. His favorite project was the sanitary sewer interceptor replacement for Cheltenham Township. He says, “We had to survey a mile-long sewer line using a combination of aerial topography and GPS survey methods. It was challenging to locate every manhole because of difficult terrain. The design was challenging because of many stream crossings.”

Meet The Team Monday November 20, 2017
With over 15 years of experience, lending the last two and a half to CEDARVILLE, Beth is a leader in our Environmental Services division. She enjoys helping communities navigate the environmental regulatory world, particularly the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements. Most recently, she managed our team effort in developing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Pollutant Reduction Plans. These plans involved implementing stormwater and restoration projects to improve the quality of our streams, while meeting regulatory requirements.

Meet The Team Monday November 27, 2017
With over 7 years of professional experience, Tim is one of CEDARVILLE’s Construction Inspectors, and is located within the Philadelphia Water Department. He is working on such projects as the new Comcast Building at 18th and Arch, renovation of Love Park, and numerous other hotels, grocery stores, and apartment buildings within the City of Philadelphia.

Meet The Team Monday November 13, 2017
Brian’s expertise is far reaching including 15+ years in Building Codes experience, 30+ years in construction, 3 years Engineering Aid and Soils Analysis, and 10 years as a Land Surveyor. When asked about his favorite project he said, “Tel Hai Apartment Complex in Honeybrook Township - Inspected two five story apartment buildings with approx. 180 apartments along with a 2 1/2 story community center with a swimming pool, dining hall, kitchen, fitness center, three assembly halls, offices and two 1700 sf apartments.”

Meet The Team Monday November 6, 2017
With over 30 years of professional experience, Lori is CEDARVILLE’s Accounting Manager. She does anything and everything related to money to keep our business running and growing including invoicing, bills, payroll, record keeping, and so much more! She manages our financial software and keeps everyone organized.

Meet The Team Monday October 30, 2017
Hank is a strong advocate for using GIS to support decision making, and has led GIS and environmental organizations in state and federal government for over 25 years. Hank was proud to serve as the Director of Geospatial One Stop, a national Portal that provides access to geospatial data from federal, state, and local organizations across the U.S. A super star newcomer to CEDARVILLE, he is now excited to have the opportunity to encourage local municipalities to use data and technology to manage their infrastructure assets.

Meet The Team Monday October 23, 2017
Super star newcomer to CEDARVILLE and the industry in 2016, Amanda supports our NPDES MS4 Stormwater Programs. She is also an expert in geographical information systems (GIS) which is used to collect and analyze data for support in government and private corporate decision making.

Meet The Team Monday October 16, 2017
Chris recently joined CEDARVILLE as part of our Fort Drum project in New York. He has over 10 years of environmental experience. He has expertise in evaluating, inspecting, and reporting on biological and stormwater initiatives. He is responsible for ongoing updates to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.

Meet The Team Monday October 9, 2017
Meet Jamie Sundermier!
With over 20 years of experience, Jamie is one of CEDARVILLE’s Project Managers. While she has only been at our office for about 8 months, Jamie has completed many intriguing projects already! One of her favorites is the West Vincent Township Asset Mapping and Inventory.

Landscape Architects: Nature’s Finest Designers
Anywhere you look probably includes a design from a landscape architect. Places like New York City’s Central Park, Chicago’s Riverwalk, and Philadelphia’s LOVE Park were all designed by landscape architects. Landscape architecture is the art and science of incorporating natural themes to aesthetically design outdoor areas. The main goal of a landscape architect is to enhance the natural beauty of an area while providing sustainable environmental benefits to the community.

Meet The Team Monday October 2, 2017
With 19 years of experience, Francis is our Zoning & Master Building Code Official. One of his top projects is the Estates at Dowlin Forge. This project created a completely new housing development! He also built the Debra House in Braddock, PA, a transitional housing facility for single, homeless women and their children. One of his greatest achievements is getting a certification as a Master Code Professional from ICC in 13 years!

Meet The Team Monday September 25. 2017
With 21 years of professional experience, April M. Barkasi is the founder, President, and CEO of CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC.
We asked April what her favorite project was. She told us:
Before her time at CEDARVILLE, one of her favorite projects was the Ford Motor Company Environmental Master Plan for the Rouge River Plant. At the time, it was a Mustang plant, but now it houses the assembly line for F150s.

How Water Guns and Excavators are Essentially the Same
When you hear the word hydraulics, what do you think of? People tend to think that it’s the science of water, but hydraulics is so much more than that. Hydraulics is the mechanical function that operates with the force of liquid pressure. Hydraulics is used in the real world every day to design and manufacture high-demand products.
To better explain hydraulics, think of a water gun. When you press the trigger, it usually takes quite a lot of force for such a small object. There is a simple reason behind that. The trigger is stiff because you’re pushing pressure on the water inside the chamber. The water pressure created by your finger forces water up a narrow tube. The narrow tube leads to a hole on the front of the water gun where the water is squirted out. While hydraulics in a water gun is straight-forward, many compound machines use hydraulics to complete jobs efficiently.

Meet The Team Monday September 18, 2017
Tara brings over 20 years of professional experience to the last 4 years at CEDARVILLE as our Office Manager. Tara is an essential part of our team’s organization, managing everything from client and prospect inquires, managing our proposal and project processes, and supporting each and every staff member with high energy and a smile. Outside of the office, Tara’s favorite place to vacation is the Jersey Shore.

Nature is an Engineer’s Biggest Inspiration
Do you ever wonder how engineers design such clever innovations?
Believe it or not, some engineering solutions were inspired from the strategies of nature. This idea of replicating environmental patterns to create real-world solutions is biomimicry. As many can see, nature has already solved most of its problem because it’s been alive for billions of years. Now, engineers are taking advantage of nature and implementing its ideas into their solutions.

Meet The Team Monday September 11, 2017
Steve has over 19 years of experience as an Environmental Project Manager. Steve has been with CEDARVILLE since its creation in 2010. Since his time here, his most memorable project is the Detroit Urban Soil Assessment. In 2013, he worked with the US - EPA on assessing the soils for vacant lots in Detroit to mitigate the impacts of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) events.
He found the extent of the blight in Detroit to be, at times, both emotionally and physically overwhelming. While he was near the center of a city that at one time had 2 million people, his team flushed out a pheasant at one of our site locations in a neighborhood that was abandoned 30 years ago!

6 Steps to Success: An Engineer’s Design Process
Civil engineers use the design process every day to create innovative solutions for their clients. There is not one specific way to approach the design process. However, all of them have the same basic concept. Here are the steps that are in a civil engineer’s design process.
Step One: Information
This step seems simple, but it is sometimes overlooked. Without fully understanding the project details beforehand, it is nearly impossible to create a solution. Three basic questions that civil engineers ask during this step are:
- What is the problem?
- Who has the problem?
- Why is this problem important to solve?

Meet The Team Monday 8/28/2017
With over 37 years of experience, Matthew is one of CEDARVILLE’S Zoning & Building Code Inspectors. He has several favorite projects over his career! A memorable one of his was setting up the footing for Big Blue, a first of its kind 1000-ton mobile crane for Sun Oil Refinery. His team had to remove the old cooling foundation to prepare for Big Blue’s crane footing. After the footing was built, Big Blue was moved onto the site with 210 tractor trailers.

Why Land Surveyors Are More Important Than You Think
While it is the second-oldest profession in the world, some people don’t know what land surveying is. Land surveying is the art of mapping and measuring a designated area. Land surveyors are constantly in the field testing land for projects. They also determine land boundaries in their calculations. Land surveyors then convey this information to designers, architects, and engineers to design a project.
The first sign of land surveying dates back to 2700 BC in ancient Egypt. Land surveying played a huge role in the design of the Great Pyramids of Giza. Evidence shows that the Egyptians used basic geometry to set boundary lines for the placement of the Pyramids. Documentation shows that these boundaries were used for a legal document called the Egyptian Land Register.

Meet The Team Monday 8/21/2017
Tania is our Water Resources Engineer. When asked about an interesting project she worked on, she said, “The most recent and interesting work involves green stormwater infrastructure projects at Eastern State Penitentiary including, a porous pavement system and green roof design.”
Outside of work, Tania enjoys hiking with her new puppy Bella.

The Number of Drones Will Increase Significantly By 2021
Drones are categorized as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). The unique aspect about a drone is that it is controlled from the ground by an operator rather than a pilot. Drones use a variety of sensors to make flight easy and prevent crashes.
The Federal Aviation Association predicts that the number of drones will increase from 1.1 million to 3.5 million by 2021. This is due to drones’ versatility that makes them capable of being used across the world. The following are some of the many ways a drone can be utilized:
- Construction
- Photogrammetry
- Military
- Law Enforcement
- Agriculture
- Shipping/Delivery
- Recreational Fun

Meet The Team Monday 8/14/2017
Tracey has over 16 years of experience in civil design and zoning. In her 6 years at CEDARVILLE, Tracey most enjoyed the East Vincent Park Master Site Development Plan. It was the most challenging. In an MSDP, there are so many moving parts to coordinate such as stakeholder meetings and interest surveys as well as planning for the current occupants and neighbors of the site.
East Vincent Park MSDP is the plan to turn a 99+ acre portion of farmland formerly part of the decommissioned Penn Hurst State School and Hospital into a vibrant and dynamic park over several years. The size of the park and the variety of the planned features can have a positive impact and bring enjoyment and memories to the entire region for generations.

Meet The Team Monday 8/7/17
Michael is CEDARVILLE’S very own Engineer-In-Training. He has been with the team for 9 months and supports our Professional Engineers. We didn’t wait long before getting him started...

Route 422 Business Advisor August Issue
The August 2017 Route 422 Business Advisor is out, and you can find CEDARVILLE’S newest ad on page 16 at
CEDARVILLE continues its focus on changing how projects are surveyed. Using the latest technology combined with a skilled staff, we can reduce cost and time, and increase efficiency, in the short term and the long term.

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Changes How We See Data
GIS is a computer system that stores and analyzes geographical information on a software application. Geography is the primary focus of the GIS application as it shows two types of data, spatial and attribute. Spatial data shows the physical location of any building, facility, or park in a designated area. Attribute data comprises of specific details about an area that is selected with spatial data. These building details include, but are not limited to: the name, size, purpose, and interior design.
For example:
The spatial data of the CEDARVILLE office is 40° 13' 43.8096'' N 75° 39' 20.2212'' W.
The attribute data of the CEDARVILLE office shows that there is a conference room with comfy chairs, two bathrooms, and 16 desks for each of our employees.

Protecting the Environment: A Glance at the EPA
While they have tackled many environmental issues in the past, has the EPA been contributing to the United States’ environmental growth today?
There may not be a definitive answer. However, using statistical analysis and reasoning, a conclusion can be reached. Following the 2016 fiscal year, the EPA has reported the following results from their regulations:
- Reduced, treated, or eliminated 324 million pounds of pollution
- Treated, minimized, or properly disposed 62 billion pounds of hazardous waste
- Restored or created 409 acres of wetlands
- Protected 650,000 people with the help of the Safe Drinking Water Act
- Prevented 610 million gallons of oil from spilling into our oceans

What can we do for you?
Address: CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC 159 E. High Street, Suite 500 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-705-4500 Fax: 610-705-4900