CEG supports federal agencies with environmental consulting services, A/E services, and design-build.

U.S. Army Fort Drum

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) supports the United States Army Base, Fort Drum, to develop and maintain a Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activity and MS4 Permit Program. We provide comprehensive permit administration that includes: Infrastructure assessment, illicit discharge and pollution prevention, MS4 and MSGP inspections, water sampling, construction site assessments and public education and outreach development.

U.S. Army Fort Drum

Moody Air Force Base

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is the Project Manager for Moody Air Force Base to develop and maintain policies and procedures regarding sampling for the General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activity. We provided comprehensive permit administration that includes: Infrastructure assessment, benchmark stormwater sampling and laboratory analysis for Oil & Grease, wet weather stormwater sampling and comprehensive site evaluations.

Moody Air Force Base

Technical Tank Assessment Review

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provided review of structural tank calculations for the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. To date, CEG has performed review 5 tank certification reports for adequacy and completeness.  CEG has performed the review of documents provided by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) 

Technical Tank Assessment Review

IDIQ Above Ground Storage Tank Services

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provides above ground storage tank inspection services for NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic at the Philadelphia Naval Business Center in Philadelphia, PA, Naval Support Activity Philadelphia in Philadelphia, PA, and Naval Support Activity – Mechanicsburg in Mechanicsburg, PA. 

Environmental Compliance Support at Dobbins Arb

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, (CEG) provides support to MSE Group, LLC (MSE) to provide comprehensive environmental engineering analysis and compliance technical support for the Air Force Reserve C Command (AFRC) at Dobbins Air Reserve Base (ARB) located in Marietta, GA. The Task Order includes executing proper compliance procedures for aboveground storage tank (AST), underground storage tank (UST), and oil/water separator (OWS) assessment and closure.

U.S. Navy Environmental Compliance Support

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) is supporting environmental compliance activities at Naval Support Activity (NSA) facilities in Philadelphia and Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.  CEG conducts potable water sampling and stormwater sample analyses in accordance with an approved sampling plan. All testing is completed by a PADEP Accredited laboratory subcontracted by CEG.

U.S. Navy Environmental Compliance Support

Repair Oil Water Interceptor, Apron Paving, and Grading

CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC. (CEG) was contracted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for a design-build project to replace a manual oil water interceptor located at the 99th Regional Support Command, Area Maintenance Support Activity #120 maintenance facility in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. Work also included installation of concrete apron with new grading and integral trench drain to divert stormwater from vehicle maintenance bay drains, regrading of the MEP lot adjacent to new concrete apron at the rear of AMSA to eliminate standing stormwater, and site surveying activities.

What can we do for you?

Address: CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC 159 E. High Street, Suite 500 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-705-4500 Fax: 610-705-4900 info@cedarvilleeng.com

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CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG)
159 E. High Street, Suite 500, Pottstown, PA 19464
P:610-705-4500 F: 610-705-4900
A Federally Certified 8(a) / EDWOSB Company | DBE / WBE

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